You can talk the talk, but can you bawk buh gawk?
The buck buck bois are back in Chicken Police, the riveting point and cluck detective noir full of charm, style, and thrills. In this video, I played through the first thirty minutes of the title, releasing the footage completely unedited. Now, I was able to discuss all my thoughts on Chicken Police in my HeyPoorPlayer review, so if you want to read a thousand more words on the matter head on over there. For those who want to see Sonny and Marty in action without any sort of censorship, take a gander at the above video to see what you should expect if you’re taking a dive into this dark and moody neo noir title.
In the meantime, here are my unedited thoughts on Chicken Police:
Pros: There was a LOT to love with this one. The use of color is so striking, it’s like watching silk dance on screen. There’s also full voice acting for every character that has dialogue, which is such a feat (at least in English, not sure about the other languages). The world of Clawville felt so alive despite its dank underbelly showing, so I really appreciated all the love the dev team put into the game. Seriously, this one is for the ages, especially if you’re a sucker for a pretty game.
Cons: All in all, Chicken Police delivers in spades without too many hiccups. I mentioned this in the review, but there is really only one gripe I have, which is that the detective mechanic doesn’t give great feedback when you ask suspects the wrong questions. There were also quite a few metrics to keep an eye on that seemed to waffle in importance, and I couldn’t quite figure out the sweet spot to get five star interrogations consistently. Still, if that’s the only gripe in this otherwise phenomenal game, it’s worth getting.
Check out Chicken Police on Steam, XBox, PS4, and Switch today!